Thursday, May 27, 2021

Micheal Jackson

Micheal Jackson was born on August 29, 1958, and died on June 25, 2009, Michael Jackson was a singer-songwriter and dancer who was famous for Thriller and other songs.

We are learning about Michael Jackson as part of our study of Taika Waititi's film Boy. In Boy, the main character thinks Michael Jackson is amazing.

Recap on Wednesday

 On Wednesday Ngā Here Kahikatea went to lake Ianthe and we had to learn how to take the Kuta out of the water we had to grab the Kuta from the bottom of it and sometimes we had to almost dive under the water to grab it the reason we had to grab it from the bottom was that if you grabbed it from the top you would only get a little bit of Kuta so we had to grab it from the bottom so we could get it all out.

We also learned about kiekie we were told to grab the higher branches because they had more sunlight and were greener and we had to rip the leaves off of the branches and then we had to keep the white bit of the leaves and with the green bit we placed them back under the trees to give back to mother earth Papatūānuku and we are also going to dry out the Kuta and the kiekie.